BIG Salmon Spotted on Salmon Camera!
Friends of Auburn Ravine operates a "Salmon Camera" above Auburn Ravine in Lincoln, CA from October through March every year. We have seen 46 Fall- Run Chinook Salmon pass under that camera so far this season.
We, no doubt, missed some when the water was muddy from recent rains. Until now, the largest salmon we have ever seen in Auburn Ravine was one that died after spawning a few years ago. It was 43.25 inches long.
This 24-second video shows another BIG one. It was also about 43 inches long! We can tell that from the video because the white panels are 48 inches long from the downstream edge to the upstream edge.
We put the white panels on the stream bed under the camera to get a good contrast as the salmon swim by. Salmon slowly develop "camo coloring" when they swim from the ocean into freshwater streams, so if we did not have those white panels in place, we'd likely miss some salmon. Due to light rains in October and most of November, this season's salmon-count is a bit low so far. Our average is over 100, and in some years, we get over 300!
Look closely when you start the video and you'll be able to see this big salmon in the lower section of the screen as it slowly approaches the white panels.
Looks like it might be a bit tired. It already swam over 150 miles from the ocean to get here!